Our Process
Focused on deliverables and successful hires.
Our team of Certified Tech Sourcers and Recruiters are equipped with the most effective Boolean search strings for each requisition, as well as, the most advanced sourcing tools, technologies, and database platforms.
Step 1 – Gather your hiring spec
Step 2 – Our WeSourcers go to work
Step 3 – We present our vetted candidates to you directly… or through your ATS.
As an added benefit, we’ll perform initial 30-minute Video screens exclusively for you.
Our Customer Success Manager ensures only the best SW Engineers reach your eyes. In other words, we save you time by controlling quality on the front end of the recruiting process.
We have “up to” (4) four Sourcers presenting the best SW Engineers to our Customer Success Manager.

Next Level Down
- WeSource does not just send resumes —
- We’ll educate candidates on the opportunity. Candidates will have expressed interest.
- We’ll ensure alignment to our client’s hiring profile, as well as, skills/experience alignment.
- We’ll formally present candidates.
- Our Customer Success Manager remains in contact with clients weekly (– sometimes daily).
- Some clients are willing to meet 15-30 min daily. Other clients weekly. This depends on specific hiring req’s and model.
On Our End
- Our WeSourcers operate within a hybrid work model. They work Partly remote, but we also have office space where we collaborate around use of sourcing tools/technologies, recruiter training and certification, and provide on the ground guidance, oversight, and leadership.
All of our Sourcers and Recruiters have very strong communication skills, many possess Bachelor’s degrees (some Masters), and cultural alignment with our U.S. clients is exceptional!